Uses of Interface

Packages that use User Defines the classes and interfaces for the blojsom database artifacts  
org.blojsom.fetcher Defines the classes and interfaces for blojsom fetchers  
org.blojsom.fetcher.database Defines the classes and interfaces for the blojsom database fetcher  
org.blojsom.plugin.admin Defines the classes and interfaces for the blojsom admin plugins  
org.blojsom.plugin.admin.event Defines the classes and interfaces for the blojsom admin plugin events  
org.blojsom.plugin.registration Defines the classes and interfaces for the blojsom registration plugin  

Uses of User in

Classes in that implement User
 class DatabaseUser

Uses of User in org.blojsom.fetcher

Methods in org.blojsom.fetcher that return User
 User Fetcher.newUser()
          Return a new User instance
 User[] Fetcher.getUsers(Blog blog)
          Retrieve the users for a given blog
 User Fetcher.loadUser(Blog blog, java.lang.String userLogin)
          Load a User from a blog
 User Fetcher.loadUser(Blog blog, java.lang.Integer userID)
          Load a given User from a blog given their ID
 User Fetcher.saveUser(Blog blog, User user)
          Save a given User to the blog

Methods in org.blojsom.fetcher with parameters of type User
 User Fetcher.saveUser(Blog blog, User user)
          Save a given User to the blog

Uses of User in org.blojsom.fetcher.database

Methods in org.blojsom.fetcher.database that return User
 User DatabaseFetcher.newUser()
          Return a new User instance
 User DatabaseFetcher.loadUser(Blog blog, java.lang.String userLogin)
          Load a User from a blog
 User[] DatabaseFetcher.getUsers(Blog blog)
          Retrieve the users for a given blog
 User DatabaseFetcher.loadUser(Blog blog, java.lang.Integer userID)
          Load a given User from a blog given their ID
 User DatabaseFetcher.saveUser(Blog blog, User user)
          Save a given User to the blog

Methods in org.blojsom.fetcher.database with parameters of type User
 User DatabaseFetcher.saveUser(Blog blog, User user)
          Save a given User to the blog

Uses of User in org.blojsom.plugin.admin

Methods in org.blojsom.plugin.admin with parameters of type User
protected  java.util.Map ViewBlogUserPropertiesPlugin.readPropertiesForUser(User user)
          Read the properties for the specified user
protected  void ForgottenPasswordPlugin.setupEmail(Blog blog, User user, org.apache.commons.mail.Email email)
          Setup the comment e-mail
protected  java.util.Map EditBlogPermissionsPlugin.readPermissionsForUser(User user)
          Read the permissions file for a given blog

Uses of User in org.blojsom.plugin.admin.event

Fields in org.blojsom.plugin.admin.event declared as User
protected  User UserEvent._user

Methods in org.blojsom.plugin.admin.event that return User
 User UserEvent.getUser()
          Retrieve the User associated with the event

Constructors in org.blojsom.plugin.admin.event with parameters of type User
UserEvent(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Date timestamp, User user, Blog blog)
          Create a new event indicating something happened with a User in the system
ProcessUserEvent(java.lang.Object source, java.util.Date timestamp, User user, Blog blog, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, java.util.Map context)
          Create a new event indicating something happened with a User in the system.

Uses of User in org.blojsom.plugin.registration

Methods in org.blojsom.plugin.registration with parameters of type User
protected  void RegistrationPlugin.setupEmail(Blog blog, User user, org.apache.commons.mail.Email email)
          Setup an email for the given Blog and User.
protected  void RegistrationPlugin.addUserMetaData(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, Blog blog, java.util.Map context, User user, java.lang.String metaDataPropertyKeys, boolean isRequired)
          Add metadata to the user.
protected  Notification RegistrationPlugin.constructEmail(Blog blog, User user, java.lang.String flavor)
          Construct an email notification to the user with their registration details.

Constructors in org.blojsom.plugin.registration with parameters of type User
RegistrationNotification(org.apache.commons.mail.Email email, emailTemplate, User user, Blog blog)
          Create a new registration notification